Whole house retrofit

Whole house retrofit approach

Following a government review, each home counts, the creation of a new retrofit standard was released. This standard is known as PAS2035. PAS2035 is the overarch standard to PAS2030 and is designed to offer reassurance to the public and offer a path to achieving net zero.
OrderMatic Carbon Reduction LTD is an accredited PAS2030 and PAS2035 supplier holding TrustMark accreditation.

The purpose of the standard is to offer reassurance to the public that retrofit works for energy efficiency improvements are being implemented to high standards and the Government’s aim to achieve net zero by 2050 can be realised.

Based upon this study it is understood that nearly every home in the country could benefit from installing energy saving measures.

Whole house retrofit approach and deep retrofit.

A corner stone to PAS2035 is reducing fabric heat losses, this is easier in some properties than others. It largely involves installing insulations within cavity wall or to solid heat loss walls, improving loft insulations and tackles floor insulation.

Once a dwellings heat loss has been reduced, heating upgrades can be made with smaller appliances than would otherwise be required if heat demand remained pre-fabric improvement.
PAS2035 covers all grant works undertaken with The Energy Company Obligation and the process is as follows.
Both air source heating and solar PV will follow the framework of PAS2035, although accreditation is held through MCS. Private non-grant customers will be certificated under the MCS route and will generally not go down the coordination route.